On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.
John 2: 1,2
The Perfect Substitute
Devotion based on John 2: 1,2
See series: Devotions
When you host a party or event, what are your criteria for whom you invite? We don’t really know why Jesus was invited to the wedding chronicled in our story. But he was there. Perhaps the inviting couple knew of Jesus as a teacher with a growing reputation. But he had not yet performed any miracles. That all changed at this special wedding when Jesus changed water into wine.
When the wedding was over, did the couple and guests realize that Jesus had power over nature? Did they realize that Jesus was “telling them” that he was the promised Messiah? He was sent by God, his Father, because of the sins that our first parents—Adam and Eve—committed in the Garden of Eden. And every generation of man since then, including us, has continued to sin against our holy God. And our sins have separated us from God.
Enter Jesus. Here he was, God himself, living here on earth as a true man. Jesus had power over nature and the devil because he is God. As a man, he was subject to all the temptations that we are, but Jesus lived a perfect life on earth. And then he was brutally punished and killed, even though he was innocent. In his Father’s eyes, Jesus became the perfect substitute and took our punishment on himself. Now, in God’s eyes, all of Jesus’ followers are perfect because he took our place. They will be with him in heaven—a party unlike any other.
Lord Jesus, strengthen my faith as I dwell on your substitution for me. Hear my thanks now, and when I praise you and thank you eternally in heaven. Amen.