For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
The Giver
Devotion based on John 3:16
See series: Devotions
Recently, I read an article titled, “What To Do When Someone Gives You a Gift and You Didn’t Get Them One.” The unexpected gift can be extremely awkward. Granted, some say that we live in an era of entitlement, so maybe we expect gifts. But a gift from God? That’s what our Bible passage for today tells us. God gave us a gift.
The title “God” is so common, showing up more than 4,500 times in the Bible. When something or someone is so common, we can take it for granted, even when it comes to gift-giving. On our birthday, we expect a gift from our spouse or significant other. At Christmas, we expect gifts from the person who has our name in the name exchange. But what if you came home today and Amazon delivered a gift to your doorstep that said, “To: Me, From: The President,” or, “To: Me, From: Your Favorite Celebrity.” No matter what the gift was, you would think, “Wow, I got a gift from so-and-so.” You would feel special. But John 3:16 says that God has given you a gift! God doesn’t just govern a country; he governs the world. God isn’t just a celebrity on the big screen, he’s made himself known through the skies themselves (Psalm 19:1). And yet, he has given you a gift. He wrapped up the gift of his Son and said, “To: You, From: God.” Wow!
So, how do you react to such an unexpected gift? The magazine article reference earlier strictly warned, “Don’t pretend you have a present for them and that you just forgot it. Rather, understand that people are excited to show their love by giving gifts.” That’s some good advice. God’s love language is gift-giving. Instead of pretending you can offer anything in return, be humbled and show your genuine appreciation by savoring the sweetness of the Giver. Savor the sweetness that God thought of you. Savor the sweetness of his love.
God, you are big and powerful, and yet you thought of me. Thank you. Amen.