We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:1
Thankful for Permanent Peace
Devotion based on Romans 5:1
See series: Devotions
Earthly peace is elusive. Leaders of nations sign treaties to establish foundations on which peaceful relations can be built. Too often, however, treaties are broken, and the peace they sought to establish is lost.
As wonderful as earthly peace is, it is not the kind of peace we need most. We need peace with God, which is something sin took away. Sin brought strife between God and people. This strife is most evident in troubled consciences. It’s also reflected in the conflicts that exist between people everywhere.
To establish earthly peace, the involved parties must often give up something or contribute something. By contrast, there is nothing that we could give up or contribute to establish a peace treaty with God. Our sins alienated us so far from God that such a treaty could never be ratified.
God, however, did what we could not do. Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans: “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Through the redemption that came by his own Son, God brought to the peace treaty table everything he needed to sign the treaty with us. Jesus’ blood blotted out our guilt. He arose from the grave to announce God’s peace. Through Jesus, true peace is ours forever! Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
O Jesus, by shedding your precious blood, you bought me back from the eternal destruction I deserved for my sin. Praise and thanks to you, my Savior, for establishing peace between me and God and giving me the gift of everlasting life! Amen.