Pastor – Bethel Lutheran Church and School

Dear fellow redeemed, members of Saint Stephen’s,

Greetings in Christ! Earlier this week, you extended a divine call to me to serve as one of your pastors. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to contemplate the fullness of the kingdom of God and my place in it. In the days and weeks to come, I will be doing a lot of thinking and praying about where the gifts God has given me can best be used. Feel free to contact me with your thoughts and insights. I look forward to talking with you.

Just as I will pray for you and your congregation and its ministry, please pray that the Lord would bless me and my deliberations with an outcome that is pleasing in his sight. May he continue to comfort you with his love as you live your lives of faith!

In Jesus, our Rock and our Redeemer,

Pastor Michael A. Killinger