January 21, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at St. Stephen’s,
This letter is to acknowledge the receipt of the Divine Call you have extended to us to serve as an Associate Pastor at your congregation and as a 3rd grade teacher. We have received the information you have sent and will be in contact with many of your church leaders over the next couple of weeks. We ask you to keep your congregation as well as the congregations we currently serve, Trinity and St. Paul, in your prayers. And please join us in asking the Lord for guidance for our family as we deliberate these calls. If you feel you have anything you think would be beneficial for us to know about your congregation and school, we encourage you to contact us.
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:25: We preach Christ crucified, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. We highlight these words from Paul to share because it is such a comfort to know that even though many miles may separate us, we truly walk together through Jesus. May the Lord continue to bless us all as we live under him in his kingdom, and may he continue to bless all of you as you continue to rejoice in our victorious Savior.
In Christ’s Service,
Matthew and Katrina Reis
Photos of Pastor and Mrs. Reis from Trinity Lutheran Church, Bangor MI and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School, South Haven MI websites