

An unexpected short week changed up a few classes, but we went with the flow.


A reminder up front that we have Map Testing this coming week.  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings are set aside from roughly 8:30 to first recess.  

Here are some  tidbits for the week:


BAPTISM BIRTHDAYS: We are adding baptism dates to our birthday chart in our room.  Please send a note or text informing me of your child’s baptism day.  We will be celebrating around the time of my baptism birthday.  (I have 12 baptism birthdays as of this typing.  Thank you!) Yay!  Please keep them coming.  Only 4 more are needed!!


CHURCH ATTENDANCE: I am always excited to see my kiddos in worship. God is even more excited than me.  I desire to see my kids for time and into eternity.  God desires that even more.  Let us all remember the words of Psalm 122:1–  I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”  Please also remember our theme verse for this quarter from Joshua 25:15–But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  


SINGING: Our next singing opportunity is tomorrow Sunday, January 26, during the 10 am service.  The kiddos will be sitting with you and coming up to sing.


NO SCHOOL: Stay tuned for the dates we have off in February.


MISSION:  Our new mission will be for a starter congregation in Bend, Oregon.  Our goal will once again be $500.  Our total so far is $132.85 which is roughly 27 %of our goal.  Awesome. 


SPELLING TESTS: Tests are this Friday.  Please practice at home using the copy that comes in the weekly folder.


ENGLISH PACKETS: We have begun pattern 2 for English class, so if you are a family working on the packet of sentences at home you could start incorporating some of those as well.


POP-TOP TABS: My sister’s school is collecting pop-top tabs, monster tabs, etc. for a family using the Ronald McDonald House due to a serious injury of their son.  If you aren’t collecting these for any other reason, feel free to send them to our room, and I will get them to my sister. Thanks.


OLD WORLD WISCONSIN: A field trip to Old World Wisconsin is planned for May 22.  I am looking for chaperones who will also serve as drivers as needed.


God’s blessings,                           

Karen Cooper