

We had a few delightful activities this week beyond the paper and pencil ones.  Marshmallows were enjoyed in 2 different ways–in cocoa and with toothpick creations.  We began an online Math supplement called Happy Numbers. Your child may log in at home if they wish using info given out at school, but it is not mandatory.  We did 2 Science experiments again.  We briefly began bucket drumming for music by getting our hands on the sticks and beating out a beginning rhythm. (I’m hoping to get photos on our Facebook page and Class Dojo of this week’s fun.)


Here are some  tidbits for the week:


BAPTISM BIRTHDAYS: We are adding baptism dates to our birthday chart in our room.  Please send a note or text informing me of your child’s baptism day.  We will be celebrating around the time of my baptism birthday.  (I have 9 baptism birthdays as of this typing.  Thank you!) Did you catch Pastor Heyer preaching about this last Sunday tying into the Baptism of our Lord? I wanted to raise my hand to say I’m having my students are doing that too because of how important it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The kiddos and I also discussed how to search out the baptism date by looking at photos which could still be in a phone or might have made it into an album or first year book. Thanks!!


CHURCH ATTENDANCE: I am always excited to see my kiddos in worship. God is even more excited than me.  I desire to see my kids for time and into eternity.  God desires that even more.  Let us all remember the words of Psalm 122:1–  I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”  Please also remember our theme verse for this quarter from Joshua 25:15–But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  


MEMORY WORK: Memory work is still due Tuesday.  Kiddos should have it in their homework folder, and you have a home copy.  The verse is Psalm 118:1.


SINGING: Our next singing opportunity is Sunday, January 26.  The kiddos will be sitting with you and coming up to sing.


NO SCHOOL: We  have off this coming Monday, January 20.


MISSION:  Our new mission will be for a starter congregation in Bend, Oregon.  Our goal will once again be $500.  Our total so far is $132.85 which is roughly 27% of our goal.  Awesome.


SPELLING TESTS: Tests are this Friday.  Please practice at home using the copy that comes in the weekly folder.


POP-TOP TABS: My sister’s school is collecting pop-top tabs, monster tabs, etc. for a family using the Ronald McDonald House due to a serious injury of their son.  If you aren’t collecting these for any other reason, feel free to send them to our room, and I will get them to my sister. Thanks.


MAP TESTING: Our next round of testing will be the last week of this month.


God’s blessings,                           

Karen Cooper