St. Stephen’s Weekly News
God Word– impressed at home.
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:15
Encouragement Passage:
Instead, be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven us.
Ephesians 4:32
January Lunch Menu | |
School starts tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.
Singing Schedule:
The next group to sing will grades 3-4 on January 26th at the 10:00 service.
Mission Collection:
Tomorrow we start a new collection. The 3rd quarter mission collection will be for WELS Home Missions to support a new mission congregation in Bend, Oregon. Once again we set a goal of $500.00 over the course of the next 10 weeks. Based on history, it should be easy for us to surpass this goal. Let us show how we live in the glow of Christmas and support our missions. We will have a presentation/chapel led by Pastor Paul Schupmann on Monday, January 27
Winter apparel:
Please remind students that it is cold out and that having coats, gloves, hats, and possibly even boots is important. We do go outside as long as the weather permits. It is always easier to remove layers than to sit and wonder why they didn’t bring an article that keeps them warm.
Financial responsibilities:
New statements will be sent home later this week. If you desire to make a payment before the statement arrives home, just send it to school in an envelope marked “School payment”.
Thank you.
For those families that paid by the semester, that payment will be coming up this month, so you will see an envelope come home with your child later this week.
2nd quarter has ended:
The 2nd quarter ended right as Christmas break started. 2nd quarter report cards will be released later today or tomorrow. Parent-Teacher Conferences for the second quarter are THIS WEEK. Here are the sign up links. Please sign up as soon as possible. Also, please be aware that Mrs. Cooper and Miss Wenman will not be available on Friday. If Friday is the only day you would be able to meet, please contact those teachers directly to set up a time that works for you.
Kindergarten Round-Up:
On Monday, February 17, 2025, we will be holding our annual Kindergarten Round-Up. This will be from 6-7. It is an opportunity for new Kindergarten parents and students to meet and greet the faculty of the school. If you know of a family that has a child that would be in Kindergarten next year, please encourage them to be part of this Round-up and learn more about the importance of Christian elementary education.
Additions that were sent on 1/5/2025 at 5:30 PM.
2nd quarter report cards are available to look at. Please review and discuss with your children. Take time to set up a Parent/Teacher conference as well.
There is no school on Friday, January 10. This is to work through morning sessions of Parent/Teacher Conferences. Please remember that Miss Wenman and Mrs. Cooper are not available Friday morning.
There will be a call meeting on January 19th after the 10:00 service. All voting members of St. Stephen’s are encouraged to attend. The primary call will be for a pastoral position at St. Stephen’s. There is a chance that a call for a 3rd grade teacher will be issued on this day as well if they CLS permits us to have a call list. Please consider attending and setting the course for St. Stephen’s into the future.
St. Stephen’s School Mission:
St. Stephen’s Lutheran School will offer a Christ-centered education to all students. We will instruct them in the Word of God, educate them in secular subjects, train them to become responsible citizens in our community, and prepare them for their eternal victory in heaven when they die. We will do this by holding Jesus and his love before them each day by appropriately using law and gospel as we instruct and discipline.
Please remember that if you need assistance with anything that you can reach out to the teachers and leaders of St. Stephen’s. You can also find answers to some questions on the website:
Blessings on your week.