Athletic Updates – 09/03

This week the volleyball teams will travel to St. Matthew’s for matches. The B team starts at 4:00 and A team around 5:00. The cross country runners will participate in a meet in Janesville this Friday. Prayers for all traveling and that all play and run to His glory.

Boys Volleyball

Due to lack of interest, there will be no boys volleyball this year.


The year’s schedule is slowly taking shape. The initial schedule is posted on the sports calendar. There will be three teams this year representing St. Stephen’s in the Badgerland Lutheran Athletic Conference. (B teams and A boys)

Concessions Coordinator for Basketball

I am still looking for volunteers to help coordinate concessions for home games this year. I would like to have two main helpers to set up for the games. There will be a simplified menu this year. The coordinators would be responsible for purchasing the concessions and setting up for games. Ideally, two helpers could split the duties. Please contact Mr. Zuberbier if you are interested.

Currently the home game on January 10th would not need concessions. There will be three Friday nights that need concessions.

Have a blessed week!