Spring Sports Update




The track season will begin soon! Practices start late in March. A sign up sheet will be sent home soon. There is a tentative practice schedule on the school sports calendar. The meet dates for our league are May 4th and 11th.


Students in grades 5-8 are all welcome to join the team. There are a variety of running events and field events.


St. Stephen’s is looking for anyone willing to help with track. If you or someone you know is interested in helping out, please contact Mr. Zuberbier. There is help needed for measuring and timing. If you have a particular running or field event skill, help would be welcome. Anyone interested would not need to be committed to every practice. Help would be appreciated whenever possible.




There seems to be enough interest this year in forming a coed softball team. The date for the tournament is May 17th. Students who participate will be excused from school for the afternoon. It will take place at Grant-Quirk Park in Watertown.


Students in grades 7-8 and fifth grade boys are eligible to sign up.


Sign Up Sheets


Sign up sheets will be given to only those who ask for them.