What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Romans 7:24,25
Rest From Ourselves
Devotion based on Romans 7:24,25
See series: Devotions
We are not what we were meant to be. That is difficult to admit. Maybe we even fool ourselves for a while. We accumulate money and material possessions, awards and recognition, a good reputation, and a loving family. We can fill our lives with so many good things and distract ourselves from what is true. But can we really escape the feeling that not everything is what it was meant to be?
We look back at our lives and see missed opportunities. Even with all the positive things, we can look back and see a past littered with failures we managed to hide from the world, but failures, nonetheless. We see a list of things left undone, regrets, and mistakes.
And even if we succeed in so many ways and if the good far outweighs the bad, it still ends in death. It still ends the same way it has for centuries. The richest, most powerful people in history still die like everyone else. This perhaps leaves many wondering, “Is this it? Weren’t we meant for so much more?”
Thankfully, there is so much more. God delivers us from mistakes and missed opportunities. God rescues us from sin and death. Through Jesus, God gives us the victory over sin, death, and the grave. Jesus was exactly who he was meant to be: the only perfect Savior this world will ever see. Through Jesus life, death, and resurrection, he has forgiven our sins and earned our salvation. And because of Jesus, we can look forward to so much more. We will have an eternity of joy, peace, and eternal rest in heaven where there will be no more death. A place where we will finally be what we were meant to be: perfect. “Thanks be to God, who delivers us through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
Dear Jesus, you are my everything. Help me to live for you today and to keep my eyes on my heavenly home. Amen.