Dear Brothers and Sisters of Trinity Lutheran Church & School,
Our Light has appeared. The darkness covering our souls scatters. The promised Messiah came. He appeared not only for the Jews but for all nations. Arise, O nations! Your Light has come! We heard this message on Epiphany Sunday as the prophet Isaiah pointed us to this great Light. We continue to proclaim the Light of the world to all, so that the darkness of sin might be scattered.
It is with that idea of proclaiming the message of the Light that the Holy Spirit has led Trinity Lutheran Church and School of Nicollet, MN, to call me to be their pastor. I am truly humbled to receive this call. It is only by God’s grace that I am able to carry out the ministry entrusted to me.
In the coming weeks, I look forward to speaking with leaders and members of both Trinity and St. Stephen’s to examine where God might use my gifts. I ask for prayers on behalf of myself, my family, and both congregations during this time of deliberation. In the end we know that God’s will shall be done!
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Seth P. Dorn