Dear members of St. Stephen’s Church and School

On March 31st, I was called to be the 4th Grade Teacher starting in the 2019-2020 school year. Receiving a call is always a humbling experience. It is a way to reflect on my teaching and how God wants to use me in His ministry. His ways are not always our ways. I am reminded of this in my lifetime and time again. I have been privileged to be able to consider this call and after a couple of weeks of talking with faculty, my family, and parents, I have decided to stay here at St. Stephen’s and continue God’s Work in sharing Jesus with His children. I am looking forward to the new adventure that awaits me in 4th grade. Please continue to pray and be of support to me and all your called workers as we help lead your children academically but most importantly spiritually.

Your servant in Christ,

Erin Krebs