NOTE: With Mrs. Bubolz’s retirement from teaching Kindergarten at St. Stephen’s, Mrs. Krebs will be moving down to teach Kindergarten since her specialty is early childhood education. After careful evaluation of class size, our Board of Education recommended that we combine 3rd and 4th grades in one classroom. Next year, Miss Hensler will remain as a part-time teacher to assist with reading and principal release time. We have called Mrs. Karen Cooper to be our 3rd and 4th grade teacher. Mrs. Cooper is currently teaching in a multi-grade classroom at Immanuel Lutheran School in Waukegan, Illinois.
Dear Members of St. Stephen’s,
Yesterday your congregation extended a divine call to me to teach third and fourth grade in a combined classroom setting. I am excited to prayerfully consider this call to educate God’s lambs and work with the families in your midst. I ask for your prayers as I deliberate this call to ministry in Beaver Dam.
In Christ’s service,
Karen Cooper