Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Acts 2:21
Devotion based on Acts 2:21
See series: Devotions
Say the name “Napoleon Bonaparte,” and many people today picture in their minds a short, cartoonish man wearing an old-fashioned military hat and an oversized ego. But Napoleon Bonaparte was no cartoon. Rather, he was one of the most prominent leaders the world has ever seen. In the opening decade of the 19th Century, Napoleon was the master of Europe. His victories were stunning and brilliant. And perhaps most striking of all, Napoleon had a way of nurturing within his army a loyalty to him that defies description. For Napoleon they would endure the searing heat of Egypt and the lethal cold of Russia. Many thought he could do anything. They, in turn, would endure anything for him.
But as ingenious and capable as he was, Napoleon was just a man. That reality hit home one day after a battle. One of his officers lay mortally wounded. He called for his general. Napoleon appeared. In the man’s haze of agony and fear, he asked Napoleon to save him. All Napoleon could do was shake his head sadly and turn away. Later, as the moment of death approached, the man cried out, “Save me, Napoleon. Save me!” But his fierce loyalty to Napoleon made no difference when it came to this. The man soon died.
As we work our way through life, you and I develop all kinds of loyalties, and rightfully so. There is loyalty to family, loyalty to friends, loyalty to mentors and employers, co-workers, and colleagues. But if our loyalty to human beings begins to take the place of our Savior from sin, then we have drifted into a place where our Lord does not want us to be.
Consider where your loyalties lie. Give them some serious thought. Repent of those loyalties that have clouded your focus on Jesus. Be washed in his blood. And with fresh clarity, fix your eyes on the only Lord of life and death there is. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Forgive me, Lord Jesus, for the misguided loyalties that have distracted me from you. Fill me with your Spirit. Renew the zeal of my loyalty to you. Amen.