“I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”
Isaiah 49:6
Living in the Light
Devotion based on Isaiah 49:6
See series: Devotions
I’ve killed innocent plants. I’ll admit it. Take for instance the first small palm plant I owned. Despite watering it regularly, my little green buddy soon shed his leaves and turned a morbid shade of brown. Only later did someone clue me in to my gardening gaffe: I had set the plant too far away from the window. It didn’t get enough light.
How about you and me? We need light to live as well! But not just physical light. We need the type of light that God says his Servant Jesus gives us in today’s reading from the prophet Isaiah.
You see, Jesus gives us the one thing we really need to live a full life. He gives us the light of salvation! So no matter what dark times we may face—whenever we hurt, whenever we’re lonely, whenever we sin, whenever we get sick, whenever we worry about the future, whenever we die, whenever! He promises to give us light. He assures us that our sins are forgiven, that he loves us dearly, and that he will work out all for our good. With this light of Jesus, we can live, thrive, and be energized for life!
So what will your life be like? With the light of Jesus, it’s certain! You have a bright future ahead! Why? Because you’re living in his light!
Thank you, Jesus, for bringing light to this dark world. Amen.