Daniel answered, “May the king live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.”
Daniel 6:21,22
Innocent in His Sight
Devotion based on Daniel 6:21,22
See series: Devotions
It was an impossible situation for Daniel. Now eighty years old, he would have to spend the night in a den full of hungry lions. His only crime? Faithfulness to his God and refusing to compromise his devotion to God.
Daniel trusted that the God who had protected him all his eighty years of life would continue to protect him. His faith in God remained unshaken.
In our lives, we face situations that also seem impossible. While we don’t face literal lions, we do face challenges at work, health issues, relationship struggles, and spiritual battles against temptations or doubt. When we face those lions, we can trust in God as Daniel did too.
Just as God shut the mouths of the lions in the den, God is with us in our trials and temptations. Daniel told his king that God preserved him because he was found innocent in God’s sight. God finds Christians innocent in his sight because of the righteousness that Jesus gives to them.
Daniel was blameless before the king, and Christians are found blameless before God because of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. When we place our trust in Jesus, his righteousness covers us and protects us. We are no longer captive in the den of sin and guilt.
God’s protection and his declaration of our innocence don’t mean we will never face problems. But God’s protection and promises comfort and guide us as we face challenges, even ones that seem impossible. Just as the lions did no harm to Daniel, the difficulties we encounter will not ultimately overcome us when we place our trust in the Lord.
God’s angel shut the mouths of the lions, and Jesus has shut the mouth of death. That’s enough for our faith in God to remain unshaken.
Dear Jesus, be with me as I face the lions in my life. Guide me and protect me. Cover me in your righteousness so that I can stand innocent and blameless before you. Amen.