As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
Mark 1:16,17
Fishing For Souls
Devotion based on Mark 1:16,17
See series: Devotions
They were fishermen. They had spent countless days and nights out on the water, casting their nets into the sea, hoping for a catch. Sometimes the nets were full. Other times they were empty. Even the most experienced fishermen aren’t successful every single time.
Jesus is a fisherman too. But he doesn’t use physical nets or a rod and reel. His net is the simple message that he came in love to free those held prisoners by their guilt and sin. He came to heal those wounded by their own failures. He came to rescue those threatened by death.
When he was on earth, Jesus cast the net of that beautiful, saving message into many places—into ponds that looked promising and into waterholes that looked hopeless. He cast his net where crowds gathered and where individuals were all alone. Some listened. Some didn’t. Some followed. Others refused. Some received eternal life; others rejected that life and received eternal death. But, because he loved sinners, he kept on fishing.
Jesus equipped Simon and Andrew with that same simple, joyful message when he called them to fish for people. Some days, just like on the water, they would be successful. Other days, the nets would come back nearly empty. The patience and persistence they learned on the lake would come in handy in their new fishing role.
Jesus still loves sinners. And so, he still sends out men and women to fish for sinners’ souls—including yours. May you be caught up in his promise of forgiveness and eternal life.
Thank you, Jesus, for sending your spiritual fishermen to capture my soul with your saving Word.