But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.
Ephesians 5:13
Becoming a Light
Devotion based on Ephesians 5:13
See series: Devotions
There is a race that governments, universities, and large corporations have invested millions of dollars to win. The challenge is getting rid of stray light to have the most accurate measuring and recording devices in the arts, medicine, and space exploration. The race is on to see who can come up with the “blackest” black. The current leader of this race is a color called Vantablack, and it was created at MIT using carbon nanotubes. Yet, despite the millions of dollars and advanced technologies, Vantablack isn’t perfect as it still reflects 0.005% of all light. And so the race continues for someone to find a way to stop light from being reflected.
The great challenge, of course, is that light naturally wants to reflect. The light from the hallway sneaks through the doorframe to put light in a dark room. The light going around your bedroom window shades is enough to wake you and let you know morning has arrived.
God has called his followers out of darkness into his light by revealing Jesus, who is the light of the world. Jesus shows us how great God’s love is by pointing us to the cross where he paid the price for every one of our sins. Jesus shows us that we have the hope of eternal life by pointing us to his empty tomb where he defeated death. Jesus shows us how we can thank him by illuminated what things are God-pleasing and what are not.
Having brought us into the light, he calls us to do what light naturally does—shine on others. God’s light in our life cannot help but spill out. It is reflected in our words of forgiveness, kindness, and hope. It is bounced back in our actions as we consider the needs of others over the needs of self. It is mirrored as we avoid the deeds of darkness and sin.
Light naturally wants to reflect and turn what it shines on into a light. As we have been brought into the light, may we reflect that light in our lives.
Light of my life, thank you for shining on me that I may shine for others. Amen.