In [Christ Jesus] and through faith in him, we may approach God with freedom and confidence.
Ephesians 3:12

Approaching God with Confidence

Daily Devotion – January 18, 2020

Devotion based on Ephesians 3:12

See series: Devotions

After being caught pushing his sister, does the naughty boy approach his parents with confidence? No, normally he hides under the covers. After the parents come home early and discover the unsanctioned party, does the teenage daughter feel at ease talking to her dad? No, normally she avoids him as much as possible.

If sinful children avoid approaching their sinful parents when they are confronted with guilt, how can it ever be possible for sinful humans to approach a perfect God? There is only one way: it is only possible in Jesus. When we trust Jesus as our perfect substitute, we trust that his life counts for ours. We believe that our sins have been paid for on the blood-stained cross. In faith, we believe that God no longer holds them against us.

We can approach God in freedom and confidence. We don’t have to hide from him; we don’t need to avoid him; we are not afraid that he will punish us for our sins…for he has already punished Christ for them instead.

What a blessing to approach God in freedom and confidence!

Dear Father, thank you for washing away everything that convicts me of wrong. Fill me with your thorough forgiveness that I might cling to Christ instead of running from you. Give me joy that I might make the most of the privilege to approach you in freedom and confidence. Amen.

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